The scale body contains many detailed pieces. Many of the pieces are identical to the static display scale model that Tamiya also sell. The display version of the 934 was quite a piece of art with moving suspension, steering, and rubber tyres.

Shown are the many pieces that make up the body. A few models latter like the Lamborghini have one piece body for more robustness. The XR311 body however has quite a few pieces too.

The underside of the car shows the early running gear. The width of the body mounts brackets on the chasis as well as the wheel baase of the car are adjustable to accomodate the body. Althought not stated specifically, because of the universal construction method of the chasis, a creative builder should be able to adopt different 1/10 scale body to this chasis. Tamiya in their early catalog tend to encourage hybrid experiments like this. They show various creative thing that you can do with their models.